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Application of magnetic field and visible light in the treatment of low back pain and sciatic neuralgia

Jarosław Pasek1, Patrycja Kwiatek1, Tomasz Pasek2, Sebastian Szajkowski3, Adam Szewc1
Aleksander Sieroń1
Affiliation and address for correspondence
AKTUALN NEUROL 2012, 12 (1), p. 65-68

Background and aim of the study: Sciatic neuralgia, ischialgia (Latin: ischias) is the syndrome of signs resulting from compression on spinal radices L4, L5 or S1, which form the sciatic nerve. Therapeutic approach in the treatment of these condition changes considerably and selected physiotherapeutic techniques are used increasingly often. Recently, we see an increasing number of publications concerning application of low frequency magnetic fields in medicine. Wide range of indications and possible practical uses provides a promising framework for their clinical applications. Material and method: Forty-seven patients with a diagnosis of sciatic neuralgia caused by degeneration of intervertebral disc were included in the study. Patients were divided into 3 groups treated by magnetotherapy, magnetostimulation or magnetoledtherapy in order to compare their efficacy. Subjective assessment of severity of pain was performed using the VAS scale. Additionally, a questionnaire was used, assessing frequency of analgesic medication. Quality of life was evaluated using the EuroQoL scale. Each patient underwent the Lasègue test during his/her physical examination. Results: Our results revealed a significant reduction of pain as expressed by VAS scale (p<0.01), considerably reduced consumption of analgesic medication and improved quality of life as expressed by EuroQoL score (p<0.01) after application of low frequency magnetic fields. Conclusions: Treatment with magnetic fields, independent of implemented technique of delivery, resulted in reduction of pain, improved quality of life and reduced demand for analgesic medication. No significant advantage of any one of the methods analysed in relation to results obtained has been observed.

physiotherapy, treatment, physical medicine, magnetic fields, sciatic neuralgia

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