Avascular necrosis in patients with neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder (NMOSD): a case series report
Krzysztof Marek Nieporęcki1, Aleksandra Podlecka-Piętowska1,2, Monika Nojszewska1,2, Radosław Słowiński3, Beata Zuzanna Zakrzewska-Pniewska1,2
Avascular necrosis is a disorder that often progresses to joint destruction and physical disability within a few months to a few years. Its aetiopathogenesis is related to bone and marrow ischaemia. The main risk factors include mechanical trauma, chronic use of glucocorticoids, alcohol abuse, coagulopathies, and autoimmune diseases. In the authors’ opinion, patients diagnosed with neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder may be particularly at risk of developing avascular necrosis due to the pathomechanism and treatment modalities of this disease. Currently, there is a lack of accurate epidemiological studies on the coexistence of these two conditions. The present study, describing three patients, serves as the foundation for future, extensive research.