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Stroke in the form of artery of Percheron syndrome. Case report

Paweł Gogol1, Anna Gogol1, Andrzej Opuchlik1,
Anna M. Kamińska1, Dorota Dziewulska1,2
Affiliation and address for correspondence
AKTUALN NEUROL 2013, 13 (4), p. 275–278

The artery of Percheron is a rare anatomical variant in which the medial parts of both thalami and the medial part of mesencephalon are supplied by branches of a common trunk deriving from the proximal section of one of the posterior cerebral arteries. The artery was given its name after her discoverer, who was the first to describe this anatomic variant in 1966. According to his classification in human brain there are four types of arterial supply of thalami and the artery of Percheron is the variant IIb. Pathologic process involving artery of Percheron (in most cases in course of small vessels disease or cardiogenic embolism) may lead to stroke giving typical triad of symptoms: abnormal vertical eye movements, memory and consciousness disturbances. Sudden onset of these symptoms may suggest the basilar artery syndrome, but prognosis in Percheron’s artery syndrome is more favourable. In our paper we present a case of a patient with bilateral thalami stroke probably due to cardiogenic embolism of the artery of Percheron.

artery of Percheron, consciousness disturbance, eye movement disturbance, thalami stroke, stroke

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