Usefulness of topiramate instatus epilepticus treatment
Status epilepticus or continuous seizures occur as a result of many hard disorders and complications in epilepsy which appear in brain on different backgrounds. Most often these cases may become serious danger for the patient’s life, so they demand immediate intervention and appropriate treatment. Particularly it concerns convulsion epilepsy seizure, appearing with metabolic disorders, which lead to acidosis and brain oedema. The aim of pharmacological treatment of status epilepticus is to stop its clinical symptoms (seizures and its other forms) as quickly as possible and to normalize its bioelectric exponent EEG. Giving the classic drugs (benzodiazepines, phenytoin, phenobarbital – phenobarbiturates, sodium valproate) not always helps to take control over this state. In case of the lack of results of this treatment one may try to use the drugs of new generation. Last days there have appeared some information concerning the efficiency of topiramate treatment in status epilepticus unresponsive to traditional pharmacological therapies. The authors present a case of a 26-year-old patient with partial epileptic attack with secondary generalization, in whom there occurred status epilepticus resistant to treatment with commonly applied drugs. Only the administration of topiramate did allow to control the status epilepticus.