Although children are a minority among patients with cerebral artery aneurysms, aneurisms in this age group remain a problem not to be ignored. The cause of this is a much higher incidence of giant aneurisms in children in comparison to adults, sometimes with dramatic manifestation. Two children with giant aneurysms of cerebral arteries, operated on at the Department of Neurosurgery Polish Mother Memorial Hospital Research Institute in Łódź are presented in this paper. Thirteen-year-old girl had an aneurysm on the left internal cerebral artery (25 mm in diameter). Ten-year-old boy had an aneurysm on the right medial cerebral artery (40 mm in diameter). Both aneurysms presented with subarachnoid hemorrhage. Surgical treatment consisted of aneurysm clipping in the case of the boy and proximal internal cerebral artery ligation in case of the girl. In spite of surgery, the treatment was unsuccessful. on the basis of presented cases some problems connected with the management of pediatric patients with giant cerebral aneurysms are discussed. 

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Partner serwisu:

Giant cerebral aneurysms in children

Tomasz Kropiwnicki, Marek Kazanek, Lech Polis, Krzysztof Zakrzewski

Affiliation and address for correspondence
Aktualn Neurol 2008, 8 (2), p. 90-94

Although children are a minority among patients with cerebral artery aneurysms, aneurisms in this age group remain a problem not to be ignored. The cause of this is a much higher incidence of giant aneurisms in children in comparison to adults, sometimes with dramatic manifestation. Two children with giant aneurysms of cerebral arteries, operated on at the Department of Neurosurgery Polish Mother Memorial Hospital Research Institute in Łódź are presented in this paper. Thirteen-year-old girl had an aneurysm on the left internal cerebral artery (25 mm in diameter). Ten-year-old boy had an aneurysm on the right medial cerebral artery (40 mm in diameter). Both aneurysms presented with subarachnoid hemorrhage. Surgical treatment consisted of aneurysm clipping in the case of the boy and proximal internal cerebral artery ligation in case of the girl. In spite of surgery, the treatment was unsuccessful. on the basis of presented cases some problems connected with the management of pediatric patients with giant cerebral aneurysms are discussed. 

children, giant aneurysms, subarachnoid hemorrhage, internal carotid artery, medial cerebral artery

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