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New diagnostic criteria for multiple sclerosis – review of literature

Elżbieta Sztamska

Affiliation and address for correspondence
AKTUALN NEUROL 2006, 6 (3), p. 200-202

The International Panel presented in December 2005 revised and modified diagnostic criteria for multiple sclerosis of McDonald used since 2001. New diagnostic criteria maintain basic principles of the classical McDonald criteria, integrating adequate sensitivity and specificity. The core requirements of diagnosis is still the concept of dissemination of central nervous system lesions in space and time. Constant developing of the use and interpretation of neurological examinations and tests, especially of new imaging technologies allow now for a more rapid diagnosis, in practice making diagnosis more simple and speed. The Panel stated that T2 lesions can be useful for demonstrating dissemination in time more rapidly than before – at least 30 days after the onset of the initial clinical event. Other newness of current criteria is broader incorporation of spinal cord lesions into the imaging requirements. The revisions simplify criteria for primary progressive multiple sclerosis; a positive cerebrospinal fluid finding is no longer required for diagnosis when clinical and imaging specific criteria are fulfilled. Beyond all doubt it’s worth reading original article while present comment encourages only to do it. 

multiple sclerosis, primary progressive multiple sclerosis, magnetic resonance imaging, diagnosis, revised criteria

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